The “Alchemy through the Voice” workshop explores and heals through voice, sound and vibration, and encourages intuitive singing, a powerful tool for liberation and transformation. In an intimate & caring setting, each person is led encounter him or herself, with what is present in the here and now, through the practice of sound and the presence to the body. The space thus created allows us to welcome “what is” both internally and in our environment, while sound vibrations (voice, guitar, crystal bowls, drums, etc.) set the cells in motion and support transformation.

Each person, accompanied by all the participants, does not seek to go against “what is” but rather to let him or herself pass through, using the different vibrations to overcome their own resistance and allow total freedom of expression and a reconnection to their authenticity and power.

During this evening, cocoa medicine will help you to rediscover your inner sacred space by opening up your heart.

2h workshop = 60.-CHF

Sign up essential – places are limited

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