Voice Healing

Our voice is our essence, our connection to the world. Healing our voice is healing our Being, allowing beauty and truth to flow freely from within.

What is Voice Healing?

Voice healing uses your sound, your voice to restore balance, release blockages, and promote your well-being. It supports self-expression and inner connection.”

Upcoming Voice Healing Events

These are either workshops or individual spaces, adapted to the needs of the moment

How this can look and feel

Voice Healing is an embodied practice, a few pictures may give you an idea, however, I invite to come and LIVE this experience

Your voice is your Sound

Our voice is our Sound. It is with our sound that the world first knows we are here, on Earth. It is the expression of who we are. It is our energetic imprint in the world, as well as how we manifest things in our life. It is how we communicate with other humans, how we make our needs heard. How we communicate if we are happy or sad, angry or ecstatic.

And beyond words, the sounds that we emit already says so much about us.

Healing our voices goes beyond physical sound production; it is a transformative journey of empowerment and self-discovery. The healing vibrations of our voices reach deep within, promoting cellular healing and rejuvenation.

When we connect & release our authentic voice, we cleanse trauma, we unlock emotional blockages, and we liberate ourselves from limiting beliefs.

Through the process of healing our voices, we reclaim our power, we express our true essence, and we cultivate a profound sense of inner peace and harmony.

This holistic approach not only benefits our vocal expression but also positively impacts every aspect of our Being, encouraging us on the path of personal growth, creating emotional resilience, and deepening spiritual connection.

Embracing the healing power of our voices allow us to tap into our innate potential, create positive shifts in our lives, and experience true transformation on a profound level.

When we go back to our voice, we connect to all that was before us and we find our place in time & space once again.

  • Co-creating singing circles with Jennifer is sincere fun. Her passion for connecting people with their voices is radiating organically into the space she creates, and playfully invites people to relax, open up, and to safely expand their comfort zone. All of this in a very humble way.

    Beat Schenkel
  • Les cercles de chants de Jenny sont comme un baume au coeur; A travers nos voix, il y a quelque chose de magique qui se co-crée, les barrières lâchent, et on a accès à un autre espace, plus vaste, sacré, rempli de joie. C’est pour moi une expérience de Beauté.

  • Soutenir la guérison du monde avec Jenny… J’ai eu la chance de collaboré avec Jenny lors d’un atelier de Travail qui Relie en non-mixité.
    J’ai aimé travailler avec elle dans une alliance de bienveillance, humour et force de guérison. Avec elle, j’ai pu goûter à un moment de grâce où elle nous a guidées dans un chant juste après une pratique très éprouvante. Ce chant de guérison nous a aidé à retrouver le chemin de la lumière. Il résonne encore dans mon corps au quotidien pour traverser les maux de ce monde comme tisserande de la Transition écologique et solidaire. Merci.

    Noémie, facilitatrice de Transition.
  • Upcoming Voice Healing Events

    No upcoming events in this category.

    How this can look and feel